Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Forward Go!!!

Well,going to be busy again.... Dah nak belaja balik... kenala berusaha.. Gambatte...

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Yea.. the result is out... BUT.. Still afraid to see my result slip.. {result}.. huhu... will see it after few days... maybe,.... hmm... feel cold suddenly...

The Proposal MoviE

This movie is one of the best movie to watch because it really funny... This story is really cool and that guy is really strong in inside and outside of his life, he can stand a girl that is stuborn and also selfish gurL.... have a bit moment of sad way too ..( I cry too ).. huhu but in the end the story is roman..tic..

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Twilight New Moon Movie..

Love the movie... Hmmm ... The last line of the movie are the best.. "Will u marry me", romantic,... cannot wait for the next twilight movie... huhu....

Sunday, November 29, 2009

500 Summer MOviE

This story is one of the best story I watch... Is really good.. Makes my heart jump and then can okay again... Well, I just finish watching the movie... Hmmm.. Well, it will be in my movies list that I like to watch.. huhu.. So happy... SUka3.. It will be an inspirastion,,,, Salah eja kot.. Takper.. So, I will search many more story like this.. Hmm... well if any of my friend know any title that is a good movie to watch.,, please comment back... It also is the best birthday presnt when watching somethig that u like.. Nanti tgk anime pulak.. huhu....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha...

Selamat hari raya aidiladha... Hmm,nothing to do.. just hanging around at home... Tak sabar nak tgk movie...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Exam week...

Now is final exam weekk.. huhu,,.. busy.. Must study... Miss game ... Gambatte!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

So many things happen in 3 days..

Fistly,my college black out... everything that use electronic services did not work at all, all of us living in dark places, some people become really happy, laughing in the dark, while my roomates did not move much, one of them get back home that time.. Still, fun is in the air.. people begining to play fire cracker, other begin to wish happy birthday, then all of us light candle and begin to put it all over our hallways... Meanwhile, me have to brake fast in the dark, cannot see any food until the candle be light up... Soon, after that i just play my phone games.... and because of that the batery dead.... So, with nothing to do i just went to bed early and that is at 8.30 o'clock..... while waiting the electric on, i heard from my friend that electric back in 4 o'clock i the mornin, So, that is fine i guess...

Then,in thursdays i go home because nothing to do and before that i have to attend cable test... is hard but have to done it again.... NO!!!, Anyways, after that go home... Thanks to my sis, she help me in taking me to the bus station with her cars... Thanks a lot... Meet my friends, Amy,Yati, Shima, and Shira.... They still waiting their bus to go home,.. have to buy ticket,.. then after that just choose a bus.. then pick a bus that move at 2.15 p.m.... has to rush... Then go home... Happily sleep in bus even if that bus is not in a good condition... Reach home.... At last.. Can sleep very happily....

Today, nothing to do just wash my cloth and then surfing internet,.... Is still a fun days when my little bro come home.... So many things to do with assgmt... BUT.... Of course more busy doing fun things then working on that assgmt.... Peace... hehehehe ....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Home Sweet Home..

Today, wake up late... have 2 go second trip... but really fun because the bus that i took from college to bus station is just me n the driver,,... talks many things until reach at bus station... meet my friends and then buy ticket.... Take the bus to go home... Sick so much... cannot even talks.. cough to much... then after that reach home... so happy... tired but happy.... love my life....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Assgmt.... hmmm,,..

Assgmt byk jgk dlm list,,... tapi satu pun tak bergerak...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hari raya...

Sgt letih... smpi di kampung mcm2 kena buat... kemas umah... huhu, tapi sgt best... tapi yg bestnyer dpt jgk duit... hehehe....

Jadi, sekarang kena focus utk buat assigmt.. huhu.. berusaha... tapi kemalasan membuak2...mcm ner la nak start wat assgmt...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blur... So many things to do, so little time....

Thinking about assgmt makes me want to run away.. So, many assgmt must do in so little time... I don't know what to think anymore....

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Cheese... feel happy looking at this photo... luv this two people...


Nak balik umah... Windunyer...